Monday, May 14, 2018
Posted by
All India Postal Accounts Employees Association (AIPAEA)
5/14/2018 08:23:00 AM

Monday, May 7, 2018
Posted by
All India Postal Accounts Employees Association (AIPAEA)
5/07/2018 09:08:00 AM

Rate of Dearness Allowance applicable w.e.f. 01.01.2018 to those employees of Central Government and Central Autonomous Bodies who continue to draw their pay as per the 5th CPC and 6th CPC.
(Click the link below to view)

Posted by
All India Postal Accounts Employees Association (AIPAEA)
5/07/2018 08:56:00 AM

Friday, May 4, 2018
Posted by
All India Postal Accounts Employees Association (AIPAEA)
5/04/2018 06:11:00 AM

Wednesday, May 2, 2018
The following message which had been posted in this blog quite often by our beloved Com TSN, is very relevant even today.
after year the relevance of May Day is growing world over in general and in
India in particular. The historic movement of Hey Market, Chicago in the year
1886 has become the symbol of oppression, repression, revolt, resistance,
sacrifice and victory for the entire working class. The oppressive working
conditions, and miserable life enslaved to the profit maximization of the
ruling classes was the order of the day during the 19th century.
Repression was let loose to perpetuate the exploitation. Revolt against the
exploitation and resistance against the repression, sparked a desire for a
better life, better future and just and equitable society. Many sacrificed
their lives to attain that noble goal. The life-sacrifice of heroes of Chicago
spurred the working class of the entire world. The first step at Hey Market has
later become a big leap in establishing and asserting not only the rights of
the working class but also the rights of deprived and displaced people across
the globe.
oppressive Hey market is replicating and repeating itself in many forms in
India. The much promised heaven on earth on implementation of neo-liberal
policies has remained a mirage for the marginalized people
of India. The gulf between haves and have-nots increased many folds. The
lop-sided economic polices denuded the national wealth and enriched only the
tiny section of the society. The unholy nexus between politicians, corporates
and bureaucrats is the bane of this nation. Three decades of reforms has
ruptured the socio economic and cultural fabric of India. Still, the present
Rulers want to tread that path with deadly speed. Ease of doing business is new
mantra! Necking out the Public Sector is
the new Mission! Red carpet to FDI in every field is the NayaSwadeshi slogan!
Made in India is replaced with Make in India!
The Rulers are blind to the agrarian crisis. Job less and job loss
growth is swelling the ranks of unemployed. Financial Sector is crackling under
unabated loot of the nationalized banks. The divisive politics on the lines of
caste, creed, religion, region, and language are lashing with vengeance. Unnaos
and Kathuvas are throttling the collective consciousness of this nation. The
data analytics and the corporate wedded media are manufacturing the opinion and
designing the democracy! Voters have been reduced to mere data. The subtle
injection of one nation theory is endangering the flourishing plurality, the
essence of democracy.
are pitted against a Government, whichis insensitive to the demands of the
workers. Labour Laws were amended without taking the Trade Unions into
confidence. The assurance given to the Central Government employees to undo the
negative recommendations of 7th CPC is not honoured. The pay revision
to the 3 lakh GrameenDakSevaks in the Department of Posts is not in the
horizon. Closure of Departments has
begun. Casualization of employment is the new norm. The JCM has become an irrelevant entity, as
the Government never respected the concept of negotiations. The social security
of employees is tied to the bubble of Stock markets by rejecting the just
demand of defined pension.
these circumstances, we are celebrating May Day and the relevance of May Day
has become more pertinent. The imminent danger to the working class, the
employees and the common masses of this country can only be warded off with the
united struggles. State and Central Government employee are joining hands
together to get back the defined pension to all. Central Government employees
under the flag of Confederation of CCGEW are waging relentless struggles to
achieve the legitimate demands of the central government employees and joining
hands to safeguard the dignity of the working class.
long march of Maharastra farmers from Nasik to Mumbai to demand their rights is
the live example before us to prove that the struggle can defy all odds. Let
the May Day kindle that spirit. Let’s imbibe that spirit: the spirit of Unity,
the spirit of sacrifice and the spirit of uncompromised determination on the
face of odds. We as employees and as the citizens of this great nationowe a
responsibility and owe a duty to usher in change. Lets not swayed by rhetoric. Lets
realize the real essence of May Day and join together to make a difference.
Join hands, pervade the oneness and march ahead!
May Day Zindabad! Martyrs Lal
Posted by
All India Postal Accounts Employees Association (AIPAEA)
5/02/2018 07:55:00 AM

Tuesday, May 1, 2018
Posted by
All India Postal Accounts Employees Association (AIPAEA)
5/01/2018 07:30:00 AM

Due to wrong imposition of policies and intensification of neo-liberal economic policies most of the financial sectors are in crisis but the banking sector is badly affected now a days. Demonetization and GST has aggravated the situation more. At the time of Demonetization the common man had supported and believed the Prime – Minister who stated that due to demonetization corruption and black money will be finished, funding for terrorist and anti national activities will be stopped, forged and fake currency will be finished. The money which will not come in banks that will be the income of Govt. But surprisingly 99% cash in the form of demonetized Rs 1000/- and 500/- came back in banks. If the currency in Nepal & Bhutan may be taken in account than there will be no money left as black money. Still with some genuine citizens in India and abroad having some demonetized currency with them which they could not deposit in banks due to many reasons.
Now again it is coming in news in electronic and print media that in many parts of country, Banks are suffering due to deficiency of cash and no cash is being put in ATMs. Banks are not able to make payments to the customers. Some banks are making payment in part and any how managing their customers.
At the time of demonetization we had mentioned that this demonetization is not for the reasons which mentioned by the Prime-Minister but because of lack of liquidity i.e flow of money in banks.
Some top class Industrialists who have taken loan from banks in thousand crores, they are not repaying the loans causing huge amount of NPA(Non Performing Assets) which has reached to an amount of Rs eight lakh crores. An amount of Rs two lac forty thoushand crores has already been waived by the Govt which top industrialists were deemed as they are not able to repay.
This Banking crisis is not a simple one. This is lack of faith of common man in Govt and it’s policies as the most of the people are not depositing their money in banks and keeping a very little amount in banks because of the fear of F.R.D.I Bill in which it is proposed that in the event of crisis in Banks, the deposited money of public will be fixed in FD for 15 years and without the consent of depositor leaving only Rs onelac in the S.B account . So the people are very much afraid to keep their money in banks. After demonetization Rs 2000/- currency note has been introduced which is also facilitating in dumping of the cash.
It has been reported by the banks that 80% of Rs 2000/- note is not coming back in the banks. A common man faces so many difficulties in taking a smaller loan for a very genuine cause but the big corporate and big companies can take thousands of crores rupees as a loan without any security and guarantee . For a common man for taking loan about 150% property is required in the form of guarantee but for the companies which have been given A+ rating do not require any guarantee or security and thereby the big industrialists and corporates like Viajy Malya, Nirav Modi, Kothari, Mehta and other get loan easily and after that do not repay and the Banks, it’s staff and common man has to suffer.
After nationalization of Banks in 1969 by the then Prime – Minister Smt. Indira Gandhi a tremendous development in industrial sector was noticed as the loan was given by the Banks to establish industries. But now after Nirav Modi and others, Some of the top brass at the helm of Govt are demanding to privatize the Banks which will not be in the interest of neither common man nor Govt. A large scale unemployment may grow after privatization . There is acute shortage of staff in Banks and employees are suffering like anything. One of the most ambitious plan of Govt. i.e Mudra Yojna in which loan is granted to an unemployed youth to establish his own business and up to Rs 50000/- loan, no security or gurantee is required. A Bank manager told that most of the loanee are not repaying back the loan and it is also becoming part of NPA.
So the crisis in Banking Sector is purely because of wrong policies of Govt which require to be rectified.
Posted by
All India Postal Accounts Employees Association (AIPAEA)
5/01/2018 07:21:00 AM

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