Ph. 0120-2881727/011-2578 5070
No: JAC/Circular -02/2011 Dated: 26th February, 2011
Chief Executives of Constituent Organizations &
Conveners, Local JACs
Dear Comrades,
The Apex JAC met in Delhi on 22nd February 2011. Following were present.
1. Com. M. S. Raja, Chairman, Apex JAC and Secretary General, All India Audit & Accounts Association
2. Com. V. Bhattacharjee, Convener, Apex JAC & Secretary General, NFCAA
3. Com. S. Mohan, Secretary General, All India Audit & Accounts officers Association
4. Com. T. Satyanarayana, General Secretary, All India Postal Accounts Employees Association
5. Com. G. P. Dutta, Secretary General, All India Defence Accounts Employees Association
6. Com. N. Srinivasan, General Secretary, All India Railway Accounts staff Association
7. Com. S.V. Deshpande, President All India Audit & Accounts officers Association)
8. Com. R. N. Gupta, ex-Secretary General, All India Association of Pay and Accounts officers (Civil)
9. Com. G. K. Gohain, Convener, JAC, Guwahati and Vice President All India Audit & Accounts Association
10. Com. A. K. Mehta, Convener, local JAC, Delhi and Vice President All India Civil Accounts Employees Association
11. Com. Partha Bhattacharjee, Working President, All India Railway Accounts Staff Association attended the meeting and
12. Com. S. K. Vyas, Chairman, Confederation of Central Government Employees and workers and Member, Standing Committee NC (JCM)
The meeting took the stock of the situation with reference to the call given for observance of Awakening Day on 15/02/2011. The reporting received so far by Apex JAC indicates that the programme has been implemented in select stations only.
As far as the issue of implementation of Arbitration Award on grant of higher pay scale to Sr. Accountants/Auditors with effect from 01.01.1986 is concerned, the meeting noted that through the matter was placed in the Parliament during monsoon session of 2010, it could not be tabled in the Parliament by the Government due to the intervention of Com. Basudeb Acharia, M P. Loksabha and also due to disruption of Parliament in the winter Session. It is expected that in all likelihood it would be introduced in the budget session of Parliament for rejection.
The meeting observed that, though the demand of grant of higher pay scale has been met with effect from 01.01.1996, but it is necessary to continue persuasion for settlement of this issue in the form of implementation of arbitration award to avoid danger of downgradation of status and Pay Scales of Accounts and Audit Cadres in future. The meeting therefore, decided that the issue shall be pursued.
The meeting also reviewed the status of Charter of Demands adopted by apex JAC and decided that on the following issues views of the Constituent organisations- after discussion in the respective decision making forums - may be sought for taking a final call.
- The demand “implement arbitration award on pay scales” may either be taken out of the charter of demands and pursued separately placed appropriately in the re-oriented charter of demands (furnished below).
- The JAC may focus on core/functional issue of Accounting and Auditing Organizations as the system is facing grave threat from the executive by holding a National Convention and through wide campaigns etc demanding Functional Independence to Audit & Accounting organisations. The issue of demanding “functional integration” may also be discussed and opinion there-on may be communicated.
The Apex JAC shall meet at Hyderabad on 11th April 2011. It is requested that every constituent organisation communicate their views on the above proposal before 11th April 2011.
With warm greetings,
Charter of Demands
1. Implement arbitration award by granting higher pay scale notionally w.e.f.1-1-1986 and effectively w.e.f 1-1-2006.
2. upgrade LDCs by re-designating them as Acctts/Audit Assistants and following pay sales to different cadres-
Acctts/Audit Assistant PB-1 with Grade Pay Rs.2400
Accountant/Auditor PB-2 with Grade Pay Rs.4200
Sr. Accountant/Auditor/ Steno Gr.I PB-2 with Grade Pay Rs.4600
SO/AAO/PS PB-2 with Grade Pay Rs.4800
PB-3 with Grade Pay Rs.5400
On completion of 4 years.
Accounts/Audit Officer PB-3 with Grade Pay Rs.6600
Sr. Accounts/Audit Officer PB-3 with Grade Pay Rs.7600
3. Grant ACP on departmental hierarchy basis.
4. Grant one increment and Grade pay of Rs.4800 from the day of passing JAO/SOG examination.
5. Grant three increments on passing departmental confirmatory examination.
6. Step up pay of Senior Promotees who exhausted ACP in the event of junior drawing more pay and getting ACP in compliance with apex court judgment.
7. Grant recognition to Railway Accounts Staff Association.