Sunday, July 25, 2010

19th All India Bi-ennial Conference

(M): Office: 9868451466

All India Postal Accounts Employees Association.
Central Headquarters
(Affiliated to National Federation of Postal Employees)
9-A, New Mahavir Nagar, Type-IV, DDA Flat, New Delhi – 110018

AIPAEA/CHQ/18TH A.I.C./1134 to 1193 Dt.: 13-07-2010


     As provided under Article 13 of Part II of the Constitution of AIPAEA (CHQ) New Delhi, it is hereby, notified that the 18th All India Bi-ennial Conference of All India Postal Accounts Employees Association shall be held at Garhwal Bhawan, near Jhandenwala Metro Railway Station, New Delhi from 14th August’2010 to 17th August.2010 preceded by CWC meeting on 14th August at 10.00 am

     Subject to modifications proposed (if any) by CWC, the following shall be the agenda for transaction in the conference:

1. Composition of the House.

2. Homage to the Martyrs and other departed leaders & comrades.

3. Confirmation of the proceedings of the last A.I.C. held at Trivandrum, Kerala from 23rd to 25th September 2008

4. Presentation of General Secretary Report for the period 26th September’2008 to 13th August’2010 & statement of CHQ quota, Bonus quota, special fund for NFPE and CHQ received from Units.

5. Audited Accounts for the Financial Year 2008-2009, 2009-2010 and monthly Accounts from April 2010 to July 2010 for their adoption by the House.

6. Organizational Review:
a) Functioning of Central Head Quarter (CHQ)
b) Functioning of Units and their coordination with NFPE / Confederation / JAC of A/cs & Audit organizations and observing their calls and, participation in the common movements of working class of the country with regards to L.P.G. policies of the Central Govt.)
c) Nomination of AIPAEA in the RJCM
d) Reverification of membership during 2010
e) Formal/Periodical meetings with authorities – items for discussion.

7. VI CPC Report as accepted & its impact on:

a) CG Employees (b) Postal Employees and (c) Organized Accounts & Audit Employees with special reference to PAO, viz. Gr.D, Sorter, LDC, DEO, JA /SA, JAO / AAO and AO/Sr. A.O. and anamoly therein & need for Rationalization/Re-structuring.

8. Litigation in respect of (a) ACP to promotee officials and (b) Four increments (on passing departmental / confirmatory exam from LDC to JA cadres).

9. Review the progress and reframing of charter of demands in the light of 6th CPC.

(a) 12 points of Priority charter of demands formulated in the 16th A.I.C.
(b) Charter of demands submitted to the Secretary (Posts) by each affiliate of NFPE
(c) Charter of demands formulated by Apex JAC. & other new demands.
(d) Anaomaly of Jr. Gr.D officials promoted as LDCs whereas Sr. Gr.D remain as Sorters.

10. Severe depletion of Officials in PAO cadres like Group D/Sorter/LDC and Jr. Accountant -appointments completely avoided in old and newly formed PAOs alike.

11. a. Opening of new PAOs- Transferring unwilling officials – pending repatriation in respect of Jammu vs Kapurthala PAOs.
b. Opening of new PAOs at Dehradun, and Ranch and their continued non-functioning.
c. Full-fledged functioning of Raipur PAO.

12. Arbitrary increase of 25% outturn in CC, M.O., AC Sections and outsourcing of PAO functions in the name of clearing arrears.

13. Victimization of Association functionary: Compulsory transfer under Rule-37 imposed on Com. D.K. Mukherjee, Circle President of Patna PAO and also office bearer of CHQ.

14. Victimization of PAO officials in C/w CC frauds (Kolkata and Hyderabad)

15. Punishment imposed on officials at Kolkata PAO under Rule-16.

16. To ensure holding of DPC and empanel the eligible officials in the preceding year itself and thus avoid causing continous loss in career advancement to officials in PAOs.

17. Decentralization of PAOs: dismantling PAO as an autonomous entity.

Downgrading the status and special role envisaged of PAOs – Immediate necessity for Restoration of Member (Finance) in the Postal Services Board as stipulated in the report of the Inter Departmental Group 1976 and to bring all Accounting streams within DOP under his direct control.

18. Proposed introduction of accrual based Accounting system vs Core banking solutions and also overhauling the existing system in PAOs.

19. Urgent need for comprehensive and mandatory induction training to Jr./Sr. Accountants and AAOs and strengthening Internal Auditing.

20. P.O. amendment bill, Franchisee outlet, Postal Banking, PLI / RPLI, BD and GDS Issues

21. Career Advancement to PAO Officials:

a. Merger of Accounts cadres of DOP and DOT and its logical completion – Transfer & Posting Policy w/r/to both SCF and DE quotos of AAO Cadre, Due share of SC/ST Quoto (per centage reservation) to be earmarked in each Circle, drafting and diverting more AAO posts to DOP viz, to be deployed in B.D. Cells, PLI/RPLI sections and MMS units.

b. All officials of Department of Posts including PAO to compete in the PSS Group B exam similar to JAO exam.
c. Provision to JA/SA, JAO/AAO to negotiate JTS exam (through LDCExams).
Procuring business to Dept and avail incentives.

e. Date of passing JAO (AAO) Pt II exam and their past services rendered as Jr./Sr. Acctt. be given due weight for acquiring eligibility for future (adhoc) promotions (s).

f. Immediate holding of JAO (AAO) exam as nearly 200 SC/ST vacancies remain unfilled and also many circles continue to suffer without qualified officials for years.

22. Publication of Journal and Revision of monthly subscription rate.

23. Amendment to the Constitution, if any, proposed by Circle & CHQ and also the committee appointed for this purpose.

24. Election of the office bearers for the next tenure & nomination of Auditor

25. Estimated Budget proposals for the year 2010-2011 & 2011-2012.

26. Venue of next conference.

27. Any other item with the permission of the chair and, vote of Thanks.

Yours faithfully,

(P. Rajanayagam)

General Secretary

Copy for information to:-

6. Com. A.P. Shastri, President, AIPAEA, at O/o Director of Accounts (Postal) Hyderabad – 500 001.

7. All circle secretaries and office bearers of CHQ, AIPAEA.

8. The G.M.s / Directors of Accounts (Postal) with a request to grant special casual leave to the participants of the 18th AIC.

9. The J.S. & F.A. / Dy. Director General (PAF) / Deptt. of Posts, Dak Bhavan, New Delhi – 110001.

10. The Director (SR & Legal), Department of Posts, Dak Bhavan, New Delhi – 110 001

11. The Secretary General, NFPE, New Delhi – 110 001.


(M): Office: 9868451466

All India Postal Accounts Employees Association.
Central Headquarters
(Affiliated to National Federation of Postal Employees)
13-B, New Mahavir Nagar, Type-IV, DDA Flat, New Delhi – 110018
e-mail : aipaea_pao@yahoo.co.in

AIPAEA/CHQ/ Dt.:- 13.07.2010.


    As provided under Article 13 of Part II of the Constitution of AIPAEA (CHQ) New Delhi, it is hereby, notified that the Central Working Committee Meeting of All India Postal Accounts Employees Association shall be held at Garhwal Bhawan, near Jhandenwala Metro Station, New Delhi on 14.07.2010 to transact the following items of agenda :

1. Confirmation of the proceedings of the last meeting.

2. Presentation of General Secretary’s Draft Biennial Report for approval.

3. Presentation of Audited Accounts for 2008-2009, 2009-2010 & monthly accounts from April’2010 to July’2010 for approval.

4. Any other item with the permission of the chair.

Yours faithfully,

(P. Rajanayagam)
General Secretary

Copy for information to:-

1. Com. A.P. Shastri, President, AIPAEA, at O/o Director of Accounts (Postal) Hyderabad – 500 001.
2. All circle secretaries and office bearers of CHQ, AIPAEA.
3. The G.M.s / Directors of Accounts (Postal) with a request to grant special casual leave to the participants.
4. The J.S. & F.A. / Dy. Director General (PAF), Deptt. of Posts, Dak Bhavan, New Delhi – 110001.
5. The Director (SR & Legal), Department of Posts, Dak Bhavan, New Delhi–110001
6. The Secretary General, NFPE, New Delhi – 110 001.

(P. Rajanayagam)
General Secretary

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Ph: 0120-2881727/ 0-9868145667

E-mail: auditflag@gmail.com

(i) To unify employees of affiliated federating Associations belonging to the Category-III & II (up to Assistant Audit Officers/ Assistant Accounts Officers), under the banner of the Federation named All India Audit & Accounts Association.

(ii) To safeguard and promote interests which are common to employees of Cadres including in Category-III & II (up to Assistant Audit Officers/ Assistant Accounts Officers) who are members of the affiliated Federating Associations.

(iii) To work for the improvement in efficiency and output of the employees and thus render effective service to the Nation.

(iv) To assist in fostering the growth of social & cultural activities of employees collectively with a view to enhancing efficiency of the employees.

(v) To do all such things as are incidental or conducive to the attainment of the above objects or any one of them.

Ph: 0120-2881727
Article 1. NAME:

The name of the Federation shall be All India Audit & Accounts Association herein after called Association.

Article 2. OFFICE:

The Association shall function from National Capital Area at “Audit Lekha Bhawan” LIG 15/1089-90, Vasundhara, P.O. Vasundhara, District Ghaziabad (U.P.) Pin-201012.


(a) To safeguard and promote interests, which are common to all employees who are members of the affiliated federating Association.

(b) To work for the improvement of the Indian Audit & Accounts Department and to render efficient service to the Nation.

(c) To secure adequate representation for the affiliated federating Associations on all commissions, committee, etc. appointed by Government affecting the interests of the employees.

(d) To control, coordinate and guide the activities of affiliated federating Associations.

(e) To foster and coordinate the growth of Social and Cultural activities for the betterment and efficiency of the staff.

(f) To associate or be associated with Organisations having kindred objects and on subjects of common interest.

(g) To do all such things as are incidental or conducive to the attainment of the above objects or any one of them.

Article 4. MEMBERSHIP:

Any Association belonging to Group ‘D’, Group ‘C’ and the Cadre of Assistant Audit/ Accounts Officer (Group B Gazetted) and functioning in Indian Audit & Accounts Department shall be entitled to become member of the Federation called All India Audit & Accounts Association provided the Association agrees to abide by the Constitution/ Byelaws, directions and discipline of the Federation called All India Audit & Accounts Association and makes an application in the prescribed form duly signed jointly by President and Secretary/ General Secretary of the applicant Association.

Article 5. ADMISSION:

Any such Association which makes an application as prescribed in Article 4 Supra to the Secretary General of the All India Audit & Accounts Association shall be affiliated.


(a) The Federating Associations shall not have the right to secede from the Federation. The Association shall not have the power to expel any Federating Association.


A member of the Federation i.e. Federating Association shall pay monthly subscription at the rate decided by the Triennial Conference of the Federation by adopting a Resolution. The rate of subscription shall however not be less than Rs. 8/- per month per primary member of the Federating Association.

The Federating Associations shall realise the Subscription through Check-off-system.


A membership register shall be maintained and kept up to date in the office of the Federation i.e. All India Audit & Accounts Association.


For the functioning management, administration and governance of the Association, there shall be:


(i) Composition:-It shall consist of a) One President b) Two Vice Presidents c) One Secretary General d) Three Additional Secretaries General e) One Finance Secretary f) Six Assistant Secretaries General and f) one post of Convener, Women’s Committee.

(ii) Election: Office bearers of the National Executive Committee shall be elected by the Conference of the Federation i.e. All India Audit & Accounts Association, through secret ballot system.

(iii) Tenure: - The tenure of National Executive Committee shall normally be three years. A Meeting of the Executive Committee specifically convened for this purpose may extend this term for not more than 3 months.

(iv) Powers: - The National Executive Committee shall exercise all powers which are necessary for the achievement of aims & objectives of the Federation i.e. All India Audit & Accounts Association and Resolutions adopted in the Triennial Conference of the Federation, besides the following.

a) To suspend/expel or to take such disciplinary action against a primary member of any Federating Association who has not been abiding by the Constitution/ Byelaws, and or directions of the Federation/ Federating Association subject to ratification by the Conference.

b) In event of any vacancy arising in the National Executive Committee to co-opt another member to fill such vacancy.


The National Executive Committee shall meet once in six months ordinarily and more frequently if necessary. A clear 30 days notice shall be given by the Secretary General for the meeting, which may be reduced to 15 days in case of emergency to discuss one or all the following agenda.

a) To take appropriate decisions to carry out the directives of the Conference of the Federation.

b) To consider and adopt the report and audited statements of accounts of the Association for presentation in the Triennial Conference.

c) To appoint Auditor.

d) To take appropriate decision to pursue the demands of the employees.

e) To review organizational matters like collection of subscription.

f) To consider grievances of primary members and initiating measures for removal of these grievances.

g) To consider such other matters the Secretary General refers as to it.

h) To initiate disciplinary action against any primary member of Federating Association.

The quorum of the National Executive Committee Meeting shall be 50% of its strength.

Voting shall be based on one vote for each National Executive Committee Member. In case of a tie, the President shall have a casting vote besides his own.


a) President: shall preside over the meetings of the National Executive Committee, Central Working Committee and Conference. In all matters of procedure, the ruling given by the President shall be final. He shall also exercise supervisory control over the functioning of the Executive Committee.

b) Vice Presidents: shall assist the President and in absence of the President, the senior most Vice President shall act as the President.

c) Secretary General: shall be the Chief Executive of the Association. He shall carryout in all the mandates of the General Body Meetings of the Association/ Executive Committee. He shall conduct all correspondence with authorities and others, prepare all reports and returns, sign papers and cheques, issue pay orders, maintain all records, convene meetings of Executive Committee/ General Body and do such other things as may be necessary from time to time.

d) Treasurer: shall be responsible for the maintenance of accounts of the money received and spent by the Association and to get his accounts audited for submission to Annual General Body Meetings.

e) Additional Secretaries General: shall assist Secretary General and act as Secretary General in latter’s absence.

B. CONFERENCE: The Triennial Conference of the Association shall be the supreme authority and shall meet once in three years, which term may be extended not more than by three months on a decision taken in Executive Committee Meeting specially convened for this purpose. The Triennial Conference shall transact the following business:-

a) To consider and adopt the report and audited statement of accounts of the Association submitted by its Executive Committee and other reports, if any.

b) To elect office bearers and other Executive Committee Members.

c) To discuss and decide such matter the Executive Committee refers as to it.

d) To consider and pass resolutions on problems and demands which are to be moved in the Conference of the Association.

e) To consider and decide any other matter for which due, notice is given.

f) To frame such rules/ Byelaws as may be considered necessary.

g) To amend the provisions of the Constitution.

NOTE: The Secretary General shall give a clear 30 days notice for the Conference, containing
the agenda for discussion.

2.DELEGATES: Besides the National Executive Committee Members of the Federation, each of the Federating Association shall be entitled to send two delegates for first 250 Primary members and one delegate for each additional 250 members and one for last fraction of 250 membership subject to maximum of five delegates. Nothing in the foregoing provisions shall prevent the Federating Associations from deputing fewer delegates that it is entitled to. The quorum for Triennial Conference shall be 15% of entitled Delegates, provided, however, 25% of Federating Associations participating in the Conference.

For adjourned meeting there shall be no quorum. In case of voting each delegate shall have one vote.

3. Election of office bearers and Executive Committee Members shall be through secret ballot.


Special Conference may be held as and when necessary and as decided by the Executive Committee to discuss and decide such agenda. 30 days notice will be given for holding of such a meeting, however, in exceptional circumstances, the notice period may be reduced to 15 days.

The quorum for Special Conference shall be 20% of the entitled Delegates, provided, however, 35% of federating Associations to participate in the Special Conference.

D.CENTRAL WORKING COMMITTEE: The Association shall hold Central Working Committee Meeting, at least once in a calendar year, represented by the National Executive Committee Members of the Association and one delegates from each of the Federating Associations. The Secretary / General Secretary of the Federating Associations shall be delegates to the Central Working Committee Meetings. However, if the Secretary/ General Secretary, for any valid reason, shall be unable to attend CWC meeting, he/she will nominate any other representative as delegate. The representative so nominated by the Secretary/ General Secretary of the Federating Association has to be an office bearer of the Federating Association and shall have to produce authority letter of nomination from the natural authorized delegate i.e. Secretary/ General Secretary.


The funds of the Association shall be utilized for furtherance of the aims and objectives of the Association.

The funds shall be deposited in the Bank/Banks and shall be operated by the Secretary General and Treasurer of the Association.


The Accounts for the three financial years shall be audited by the auditor and shall be submitted to Conference by the Treasurer for adoption. The adopted Triennial Accounts may then be submitted to the Authorities.


The Financial year from 1st April to 31st March shall be the accounting year of the Association.

Article 13. AMENDMENT:

Any amendment to the Constitution shall be made after seeking prior approval of the Comptroller & Auditor General of India by the conference (Triennial/Special as the case may be).


The Federation can be dissolved by a decision to that effect through a specific agenda to be placed for discussion in a Conference/ Special Conference of the Association, attended by not less than 75% of Members and through 3/4th majority of vote of approval on the agenda of dissolution of the Federation.


Monday, July 12, 2010



Proposed indefinite strike from 13.07.2010 deferred

The Secretary, Posts had taken a meeting with staff side on 12.07.2010 to discuss the charter of demands at 11 am and the following are the outcome on the charter of demands.

1. There will be no closure of single handed post offices.

2. The demand of the staff side that the annual increments to the erstwhile GDS SPMs should be continued will be considered positively.

3. There is no policy decision of the department to outsource any of the postal services.

4. A separate meeting will be held on 15.07.2010 to discuss about the Mckinsey and the object of restructuring the services.

5. Another separate meeting with the staff side will be held about the technology proposals shortly to discuss the future expansion of technology.

6. There will be no violation of earlier agreement on status quo of RMS & MMS with 10000 mails. Any violation if brought to the Directorate’s notice it will be set aside.

7. The Departmental council & periodical meetings will be held regularly hereafter. Next meeting will be held in next month August 2010.

8. The demand of higher pay to TBOP &BCR for the earlier period will be considered along with the cadre review proposals.

9. There will be no harassment in Project Arrow offices. Furnishing wrong data’s and showing as delivered or redirected will not be allowed hereafter.

10. The demand of the staff side to assess the vacancies as per establishment strength and actual strength in all cadres will be considered and all Chief PMGs will be addressed and appraised to fill up all the vacant posts forthwith during video conferences personally by the Secretary (P).

11. A committee consisting four staff side representatives with DDG(P) & DDG (Est) will be constituted and the process of the proposals of cadre review for all cadres will be completed before the end of 2010.

12. Separate discussions will be made on the proposal of creation of Postmasters cadre also.

13. The welfare schemes to GDS like grant of pension, medical, the proposals were already cleared by the Postal Board and submitted to nodal ministries for approval. It will be expedited.

14. It was assured to reconsider the norms for cash handling to BPMs and also fix fresh norms to RPLI and NREGIS scheme shortly.

15. The proposal for higher pay to Driver with Grade pay of 2400 has been sent to the Ministry of Finance.

16. The revision of O.S.A rates will be made within one month.

17. Technology training to workshop staff will be provided.

18. The proposals for the grant of minimum pay as per the Sixth CPC to casual labourers have been submitted to Ministry of Finance for approval. It will be expedited. The demand of the staff side to grant revised GDS pay to GDS substitutes will be considered.

19. The issues related to postmen norms, delivery, beat etc will be discussed shortly and final decision will be taken before the end of October 2010. One committee will be constituted to sort out the issues.

20. The plea of the staff side to ignore benchmark for MACP has been accepted and the Secretary told the DDG to cause orders today itself. Another request to ignore the earlier declining of LSG promotions prior to the receipt of MACP orders will also be considered.

21. The proposal of the staff side to create System assistant instead of System administrator will be considered along with the cadre review proposals. The orders relating to road mileage allowance will be released shortly. The distribution of work & responsibility etc will be looked into along with the cadre review proposals.

22. The Recruitment Rules for Multi tasked staff will be finalized shortly. Our request to finalise the rules with no educational qualifications as if available to erstwhile Group D has been accepted.

23 The issues relating to Postal accounts like filling up of posts, amalgamation of Group C etc will be discussed further with DDG (PAF).

24. The suggestions of the Admin union about centralization of PLI claim at RO & CO will be considered. Further a separate meeting will be organized with their union to discuss about their issues.

25. Clarificatory orders will be issued soon providing officiating pay to the officials holding higher posts like HSG II & HSG I.

26. The issues of the postal Civil wing will be discussed separately.

After the meeting, the JCA met and decided to defer the proposed strike duly considering the positive approach of the Secretary in settlement of our genuine demands.

Posted by AIPAEA

Sunday, July 11, 2010

[M] 9868451466

All India Postal Accounts Employees Association.
Central Headquarters
(Affiliated to National Federation of Postal Employees)
13-B, New Mahavir Nagar, Type-IV, DDA Flat, New Delhi – 110018
e-mail: aipaea_pao@yahoo.co.in

AIPAEA/CHQ/Cir-41/ Dt.07-07-2010

Dear Comrades,

Federal Council Meeting of NFPE – 20th to 22nd June’2010

     The national council of the mighty Postal Organization, NFPE’s VIII Federal Council Meeting was held at New Delhi w.e.f 20th June to 22nd June’2010. As the VII Federal Council Meeting was held at Kolkata during October’2007, the F/C Meeting becomes due only after October’2010. Since Com. K. Ragavendran, Secretary General, NFPE is due for superannuation on 30th June’2010, Federal Secretariat concurred with his desire to pre-pone the Federal Council Meeting and held accordingly. The inaugural session was enriched by Dr. M.K. Pandhe, National Vice-President, CITU at Muktadhara Auditorium, Banga Sanskriti Bhawan, New Delhi on 20-06-2010. Many leaders from C.G/P&T movement participated in the session. Ninety five Federal Councilors representing six affiliates of NFPE and near equal number of Observers/fraternal delegates attended the meeting. On behalf of AIPAEA, a total of seven comrades attended the meeting.

     Detailed deliberations on various issues affecting the future of DOP as well as career prospects of employees were held. Further, the attitudes of the authorities were criticized by many Councilors. It was decided to strengthen our organization to safe-guard our interests as well as Department’s; strengthen through struggle; to struggle vigorously! To carry forward our aims of decent living in DOP, Councilors endorsed the call for Indefinite Strike w.e.f. 13th July’ 2010 – synchronizing with the observance of 50th Anniversary of historic Strike of 1960.

     For the tenure of 2010 to 2013, a new team of NFPE office-bearers under the Secretary Generalship of veteran Postal leader, Com. M. Krishnan from Kerala has been unanimously elected. On behalf of AIPAEA, Com. D. S. Chouhan, Circle Secretary, Delhi Circle and AGS of AIPAEA, CHQ has been elected as one of the Vice-Presidents of NFPE.

     Felicitation to out-going Secretary General, Com. K.R. (as he is popularly known) was done in a befitting manner. Each and every one from far and near appreciated his long service in the Postal organization in various capacity; in depth knowledge in respect of demands/issues raised; lucid presentation of issues; smooth and nice co-ordination among leaders of all stature; his role in taking NFPE to technological leap far ahead of other organizations, both in terms of Trade Unions and Departments! AIPAEA salutes Com. K. R. for his undeniable contribution made to Postal comrades. CHQ had requested him to grace our next AIC at New Delhi w.e.f. 14th to 17th August’2010. As I am relinquishing the post of General Secretary, AIPAEA in the ensuing AIC of ours, I was also given felicitation by the Federal Council, NFPE.

13th July Indefinite Strike by Postal JCA

      As you are aware, DOP is bent upon implementing various measures in the name of reducing expenditure/increasing profitability without bothering Staff side; ignoring their genuine concern as well as their pivotal role in executing any scheme proposed in the Department. Our staff fora to settle/negotiate our grievances are not put to proper use and our various proposals are not given any thought; instead many decisions taken and implemented arbitrarily! Various Multi-national Consultants/Committees have been appointed: 1) Multi-national Consultant McKinsey appointed for Structural Re-organization of Postal Services, 2) Appointment of ‘Accenture’ a MNC Technology Consultant with its telling impact on Staff and Services, 3) Appointment of another Committee consisting of Charted Accountants, overtly to introduce Accrual based Accounting system in DOP facilitating Core banking Solution in DOP, covertly for Corporatization of DOP and also to marginalize Postal Accounts. To sensitize our authorities and to settle our genuine issues/demands, there is no other way than going for Indefinite Strike w.e.f. 13th July’2010. Without agitation, without struggle, authorities may not come for any reasonable settlement on our core issues. Let us mobilize and be ready for action to have our rights restored; our voice heard.

DOP has issued instructions to all HOCs to deal with the Strike. Further, the Action Taken Report issued by DOP is not at all in consonance with our requirement. There is no other alternative to serious struggle as decided.

Postal JCA is to meet on 11th evening in the Federation Office and review the position in its entirety.

19th All India Conference of AIPAEA

As I have informed earlier, because of my domestic compulsion as well as Promotion to the cadre of AAO, I have to, per se relinquish the post of General Secretary, AIPAEA. Hence our AIC due after September’2010 is advanced to the month of August, viz, our All India Conference shall be held from 14-08-2010 to 17-08-2010 at Garhwal Bhawan, near Jhandenwala Metro Railway Station, New Delhi. All CHQ Office-bearers and Delegates (one delegate for every 50 paid up membership) / Observers may reach the venue before 9.00 am (as CWC Meeting shall commence at 10 am) on 14th August and shall depart the venue only on 17th night. Notifications are being issued immediately. Tickets and personal programs may be arranged accordingly.

You are aware that our 18th AIC (during 2008) held at Trivandrum initiated the process of conducting Seminar by Associations/Unions amongst the affiliates of NFPE; followed by Symposium in the CWC Meeting held at Bhopal in the month of November’2009. This 19th AIC to be held at New Delhi shall have intermingling of relevant Topics to our staff, presented by experts; from among Leaders/Professionals/Officers along with our agenda.

     Further, CHQ desires to felicitate our leaders: all our former President/General Secretary, all prominent leaders of NFPE and Confederation. CHQ feels it as our bounden duty to honour some Officials/Officers who did yeoman service in the process of Merger of Accounts cadres of DOP and DOT. CHQ shall bear their TA/DA (Third A.C. train fare) and Unit may help them in accompanying and reaching the venue.

    As you are aware, to host our AIC and conduct the entire event in a befitting manner requires sufficient money. CHQ is not that much financially sound. You have always nurtured and helped the CHQ in the past to overcome all difficulties it faced. I earnestly hope and thus request all Units and our membership including our erstwhile comrades to contribute liberally to show it again that AIPAEA can do things better, far ahead of its colleagues. All Units are requested to ensure contribution of Rs.20/- per member to CHQ as Special Fund for Conference and Units may go for Special collection of Rs.100/- for this purpose/expenditure involved.
                 Officiating Order – AAO cadre

To facilitate posting of qualified AAOs in their home-circles, particularly in Chennai and Trivandrum, authorities withdrew the earlier order of Officiating promotion issued by PA Wing dated 07-07-2006. This caused reversion to many Sr. Accountants who were officiating as JAO/AAO. Subsequently, there was a move to do away with the monopoly of officiating promotion by Sr. Accountants as AAOs. CHQ took up the issue and ensured no tampering with the existing facility and demanded to expand the scope and purview of PA Wing letter dated 07-07-2006 to include the vacancies arising in Telecom Accounts also. On this issue I had repeated meetings with the Member (Finance), Advisor, DDG (FEB) and Group leader for Merger (from DOT) apart from authorities in PA Wing. They have agreed to restore and retain the monopoly of Sr. Accountants’ in the officiating/ad hoc promotion as AAO and to extend this arrangement to Telecom Accounts too. As this involves two departments, this should be dealt as ad hoc promotion instead of existing officiating promotion. This may take some more time, and hence, acceding to our request, the new DDG (PAF) Shri P. K. Sinha caused issuance of this order of officiating promotion to AAO cadre in PA Wing from our Sr. Accountants alone until comprehensive order for ad hoc promotion is issued by DOT. Amendments to the Recruitment Rules of AAO/ AO/Sr. AO cadres are being processed and CHQ is in continuous touch with it.

Group-C cadres – DOT

DOT held its (CCAs) meeting last week at Ghaziabad in order to finalize the list of candidates for absorption; to be completed before our proposed Indefinite Strike w.e.f 13th July as one of the demands being ‘Amalgamation of Group-C Accounts cadres’. As DOP is totally against the proposal of Merger, DOT wants absorption from other Departments at the earliest. But this may create problem in respect of JAs/SAs as they are common cadres of Organized Accounts depts.

ACP case

      You are aware that the ACP Scheme of 1999 forbids equal treatment to Promote officials on par with Direct Recruited officials. Through our continued struggle PA Wing accepted our stand for equal treatment to Promotes & DR officials. Citing the Supreme Court’ judgment in r/o Haryana State Govt. employees, they recommended Equal treatment to Promotes, but the Dept of Per. & Trg. did not accept them. Thus, it was decided in our last All India Conference held at Trivandrum to seek legal remedy at Pr. CAT, Delhi. Accordingly, AIPAEA CHQ had filed two cases, (1) for Stepping up the pay of Seniors on par with Juniors who got higher pay scale and (2) to declare Up gradation of Sr. Accountant from Jr. Accountant cadre is not a Promotion for the purpose of granting ACP 1999 scheme.

     In the meantime, some comrades from Nagpur PAO had approached the CAT there. The CAT there had given judgment in favour of our stand based on the judgment of hon’ble Supreme Court. It is to be seen the next move of DOP and D.O.P&T towards its implementation.

 MACP - Anomalies

        The sub-committee constituted to address those innumerable anomalies emanating from MACP has met once on 25-05-2010 and declared to meet soon, without specifying any date. The items submitted for discussions and the minutes of the items discussed are enclosed herewith. Units may inform CHQ in writing, to take up any (new) justified items to be included for future discussions.

Ahmedabad PAO – issue

CHQ is happy to inform all branches that settlement of Accounts relating to previous years and Headquarter quota dues have been amicably resolved. CHQ deputed Coms. Santosh Kumar, Dy. General Secretary and K. S Rana, Finance Secretary to Ahmedabad PAO to settle the issue amicably. They have done it with much ease. Comrades H. P. Mehta, Thomas, J. K. Chouhan and committee members at Ahmedabad have co-operated with the delegation. Kudos to all involved in arriving settlement! CHQ desires and invites all these three comrades along with other delegates/ observers to attend our AIC at New Delhi, next month without fail.

Circle Conference

It is reported that Jallandhar/Kapurthala Unit is getting ready for holding next biennial Conference soon; within July. Conference should not be limited to holding of Election. The Report, Accounts, issues taken up with the authorities, settled and pending issues and any other matter having relevance are to be discussed. On confirmation of date, CHQ shall depute one Office-bearer there.

Remittances to CHQ

All units are requested to clear their dues and remit them in to the CHQ Bank Account to avoid carrying them all the way to New Delhi. CHQ is yours and if you strengthen it financially, you are strengthening yourself and your Unit. All Units must ensure their participation, particularly small/younger offices like Guwahati, Jammu, Chhatisgargh, Ambala, Ahmedabad etc.

With revolutionary greetings,

Fraternally yours


General Secretary




     The DOPT has issued orders extending the life of the National Anomaly committee up to 31st March 2011- The expected meeting of the national anomaly committee did not take place in the month of June 2010 - Many issues are pending and our readers may remember that the Official Side assured final decision on some issues before the next meeting of the Anomaly Committee - In this background the DOPT has issued the under mentioned orders for extending the life of the National Anomaly Committee:

Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, PG & Pensions
Department of Personnel & Training

New Delhi, the 1st July, 2010

Subject:- Extension in the tenure of the National Anomaly Committee.

     The undersigned is directed to refer to para 5 of this Department’s O.M. of even number dated the 12th January, 2009 regarding setting up of Anomaly Committee to settle the anomalies arising out of the implementation of the Sixth Central Pay Commission’s recommendations and to state that it has been decided with the approval of the competent authority to extend the tenure of the National Anomaly Committee up to 31st March, 2011.

(Dinesh Kapila)

Director (JCA

Thursday, July 8, 2010


Tuesday 1 June 2010





JCA/2010 Dated 4th June, 2010


The Director General
Department of Posts
Dak Bhawan
New Delhi – 110001


     In accordance with the provisions of Sub Section (1) of Section 22 of the Industrial Disputes Act, 1947, we hereby notify that all the Postal/RMS/MMS/Administrative & Postal Accounts Employees and the Gramin Dak Sewaks will go on indefinite strike from 13.07.2010. The demands for acceptance of which the employees embark upon this indefinite strike are detailed in the Charter of Demands enclosed.

Sd/- Sd/-

K.Ragavendran D.Theagarajan
Secretary General NFPE Secretary General FNPO

Sd/- Sd/-
K.V.Sridharan Kishanrao
General Secretary P3 NFPE General Secretary P3 FNPO

Sd/ Sd/-
Ishwar Singh Dabas T.N.Rahate

General Secretary P4 [NFPE] General Secretary P4 [FNPO]

Sd/- Sd/-

Giri Raj Singh D.Theagarajan

General Secretary R3 NFPE General Secretary R3 FNPO

Sd/- Sd/-

P.Suresh A.H.Siddique

General Secretary R4 NFPE General Secretary R4 FNPO

Sd/- Sd/-
Pranab Bhattacharjee O.P.Kanna

General Secretary Admn NFPE General Secretary Admn FNPO

Sd/- Sd/-

P.Rajanayagam P.U.Muraleedharan

General Secretary AIPAEA NFPE General Secretary NUGDS



General Secretary AIPEDEU

1. Drop the move to outsource any function of the DoP including on the recommendations of McKinsey – Cancel the decision to close down 'C' Class Post Offices – Cancel the orders for down gradation of EDSOs into ED BOs and closure of EDBOs - Roll back steps of privatisation of speed post processing and mail conveyance and data entry work.

2. Stop violations in the Agreements on Status Quo of RMS & MMS as well as the merger of RMS with less than 10,000 mails – Create scientific norms for the work in CRC, Speed Post, Logistics and EPP – Cancel the orders for replacing the General Line HSG-I by ASPOs in Mail Offices.

3. Holding of JCM Departmental Council meetings; Periodical Meetings with Federations; Sending of the issue of discrimination of pay scales between the Telecom TBOP/BCR and Postal TBOP/BCR w.e.f. 1.1.1996 to Board of Arbitration; and Holding of GDS Committee Meetings periodically with GDS Unions.

4. Stop harassment of staff under Project Arrow – No extraction of work against Rules – No extraction of work beyond 8 Hours – No drafting of staff on duty and for Training etc on Sundays and Holidays – No harassment in the name of 100% Delivery – Withdrawal of all Punishments awarded to Postmen for minor non-delivery of articles.

5. Fill up all vacant posts: [a] Undertake reassessment of vacancies in PA/SA cadre to rectify mistaken calculation of vacancies in all circles; [b] Fill up all vacant posts in all cadres in Department of Posts [Postal, RMS, MMS, Admn, DPLI, Postal Accounts, SBCO, Civil Wing etc] as on 31.12.2009; [c] Allow local recruitment as one time measure in Postal Accounts similar to 1997 at Sundernagar.

6. Comprehensive Cadre Restructuring of Group 'C' employees in PA/SA Cadre; [b] Withdrawal of unilateral orders on piecemeal cadre restructuring of Postmasters' cadre until comprehensive Cadre Restructuring of PA/SA cadre is completed; [c] Comprehensive Cadre Restructuring of LDC, Sorters & DEOs in Postal Accounts by amalgamation into a single Accounts Assistants cadre in the pay of Pb-1 with 2400 GP; [d] Comprehensive Cadre restructuring in PA CO cadre in CO/RO/DPLI; [e] Comprehensive cadre Restructuring of PA/SA cadre in SBCO; and [f] Comprehensive cadre restructuring of Postmen/Mailguard/Multi Task Staff.

7. Grant of Pension, Departmental status to GDS extending the all benefits such as HRA/CCA, ACP etc, including Trade Union rights and welfare measurers – Remove discrimination on Bonus ceiling – Modify the 20,000 unilateral imposition of cash handling work points for GDS BPMs – Withdraw orders denying revised TRCA w.e.f. 1.1.2006 in respect of BPMs – Compute work norms to all types of work performed including NREGS, PLI,RPLI, Pension Payments etc to GDS – Implement enhanced Social Security to GDS like Ex-Gratia Gratuity and Severance Amount w.e.f. 1.1.2006.

8. Grant of Parity in Pay Scale [PB-1 with GP 2400/-] for MMS Drivers on par with Drivers of Parliament Secretariat – Recruitment of adequate number of Drivers – Sanction of OSA for the long distance logistics van drivers of MMS – Technology training to Work Shop staff and grant of Data Entry Operators scale of pay to Work Shop Staff.

9. Implement Supreme Court Orders for revision of wages from 1.1.2006 [6th CPC wages] to all RRR Candidates, Casual Labourers, Contingent staff, GDS Substitutes etc – Grant Temporary Status to eligible Full Time Status Casual labourers; Convert Part Time into Full Time; Absorb Full Time, Part Time, contingent in vacant GDS Posts.

10. Fill up all vacancies of Postmen and Mailguards - Roll back the unscientific scheme of Single Postman Beat System – Modify certain unscientific work norms of Postmen / MTS finalised by Work Study Unit - Enhance the Postman Double Duty Allowance as per the recommendations of 6th CPC.

11. Remove all local anomalies in MACP Scheme like application of benchmark for the period prior to introduction of MACP Scheme; Grant MACP on 'Average' benchmark like Department of Railways; Denial of MACP for acts of denial of regular promotion earlier to introduction of MACP; Denial to grant PB-2 while upgradation to Grade Pay 4200 and above to Group 'C' Officials etc.

12. Creation of System Administrators Cadre with higher pay scales and absorption of all System Administrators in the new cadre during initial composition – Uniform Norms for System Administrators including work hours, number of systems, distance factor – Financial compensation for special and extra work performed by System Administrators.

13. Early finalisation of Recruitment Rules for upgraded Group 'C' in PB-1 with 1800 GP – Ensure present system of absorption of GDS and TS CLS in Group 'D' posts into the new RR without insisting for the educational qualification – Filling up all the posts of Multi Tasking Staff without any delay.

14. Amalgamation of Group 'C' Accounts Cadres of DoP and DoT.

15. Roll back of the Decentralisation of PLI/RPLI work – Augment required staff strength in PLI branch of CO/RO/DPLI –Maintain centralized accounting system through the Office of DPLI Kolkata – Fill up the vacant posts of COs/ROs/DPLI Kolkata to manage huge shortage;

16. Parity of scale of pay of Ministerial Cadre in Postal Civil Wing on par with the Postal Assistants and upgradation of posts of Works Clerk Grade –II/Grade-I/Head Clerk – Filling up of all vacant posts of technical as well as ministerial posts – Creation of one Civil Wing Circle for each Postal Circle.

17. Regularise the HSG-I, HSG-II, LSG arrangements and grant Officiating Pay & Allowances to all Officials holding the posts.




Secretary General NFPE

Posted by NFPE at 2:21 PM