Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Monday, April 28, 2014


The General Manager (Postal Accounts Finance)/DA(P),

         Sub:-Implementation of judgment of Hon’ble Central Administrative
                  Tribunal, Pr. Bench, in OA No. 2124/2011 upheld by Hon’ble
                  High Court, filed by AIPAEA – Request – Regarding.

Respected Madam/Sir,

         I humbly submit the following facts for your kind consideration and immediate favourable orders.

         I am working as Senior Accountant in the Postal Accounts Office, _______Circle. I have been promoted from the lower cadre to the post of LDC and later became the Junior Accountant and Senior Accountant. As the junior is drawing more pay than the senior in the Senior Accountant Cadre because of the financial up-gradations under ACP/Modified ACP, the All India Postal Accounts Employees Association represented by its President Shri. S. Santosh kumar filed O.A. referred above and the Hon’ble Pr. CAT, Delhi gave direction to step up the Pay of the senior Senior Accountant. The PA Wing has asked all the PAOs to implement the judgment by making payment on or before 28th March 2014. But, till date no payment has been made in ________  PAO.

         I submit that I am the member of the Applicant Association and I am covered by the judgment of the Hon’ble Pr. CAT, New Delhi. I am the promote LDC who have been subsequently promoted as Junior Accountant/Senior Accountant. It is learnt that the clarification issued by the PA Wing vide its letter no. 33(3)/10/PA-Admin.I/ 1509 to 1524 dated 19th March 2014 is speaking about the stepping up of pay of those Senior Accountants only who entered the Department as LDCs and subsequently promoted as JA/SA.

         In this connection, I submit that, the Applicant Association has sought a direction from the Hon’ble Tribunal to Respondents for grant of stepping up pay of all Senior Accountants on par with Senior Accountants who are junior to the former in the cadre of Senior Accountant. The Hon’ble Tribunal adjudicated on this and directed that all such seniors are entitled to step up their pay as a general rule as and when any junior gets his pay fixed in a pay scale higher to them on account of grant of ACP.

         Hence, without making any discrimination on account of my entry grade, I request you to kindly cause action to step up my pay on par with that of my junior including all the Allowances excluding the special pay and personal pay in the Senior Accountant Cadre. I also request you to cause action to make payment of arrears on this account at the earliest.

         Thanking you,

                                                                                   Yours faithfully,

                                                                                (                               )
                                                                                 Senior Accountant
                                                                                O/o …………………


(M) G.S. 09912348500                                                                                     (M): Office: 9868451466
All India Postal Accounts Employees Association
Central Headquarter
13-B, New Mahavir Nagar, DAO Flat, New Delhi – 110018
 (Camp at: O/o DA (P), Hyderabad-500001)

AIPAEA/CHQ Circular 74/14                                                                                          Date: 28-04-14

Dear Comrades,

May Day Greetings to you all. AIPAEA salute all those comrades who sacrificed their “Todays” for our “Tomorrows”. Hoist the May Day flag on 01-05-14 and pay homage to the Martyrs. Hold lunch-hour meetings and explain the significance of the May Day and its relevance in the present circumstances. A note on May Day is published in our Blog separately. That can be used for circulation.

AIPAEA Chennai on Agitation path: Due to the autocratic attitude of the GM (Finance) Postal Accounts, Chennai, the congenial atmosphere in the office has been vitiated. Her penchant for unilateral decisions and least respect for democratic norms and dialogue have led to the present situation. This is not for the first time it is happening. Her earlier stints as DA(P) Chennai and Bangalore was also turbulent and forced employees to go on agitation. Now, about 100 employees of Chennai PAO are served with Rule-16 Charge Sheets on flimsy ground. Our comrades at Chennai started massive demonstrations against the GM. CHQ already dashed letters to the Member Finance, Advisor Finance and DDG (PAF) for immediate intervention. For the letters written by CHQ on this issue, please visit our Blog.
CHQ directs all units of AIPAEA to send Saving Grams by 02-05-14 by speed post protesting against the highhandedness of GM (Finance) Postal Accounts Chennai. The Saving Gram should be addressed to:
1. Ms. Annie Moraes,
    Member Finance,
    Department of Tele Communications,
    Sanchar Bhavan,
    New Delhi-110 001
2. Shri. Rajnish Kumar
     Dy. Director General, (PAF),
     Department of Posts,
     Dak Bhavan,
     Parliament Street,
     New Delhi – 110 001.
AIPAEA ……………………(Name of the Circle) express its anguish over the shocking act of issuance of charge sheets to 100 officials en masse by G.M (Finance) Postal Accounts, Chennai. This Association condemns this act of highhandedness and gross misuse of powers. This is not the first time for her to resort to such anti-employee actions. Her aversion to dialogue with Staff Side is well known. Her actions as Director in her previous stint at Bangalore and Chennai PAOs forced the employees to launch strong protest agitations resulting in the intervention from the Highest Authority. This Association strongly protests the arbitrary actions of GM Finance, Postal Accounts, Chennai and request your kind immediate intervention in favour of the employees to undo the injustice and restore the congenial atmosphere in PAO Chennai.
(Circle Secretary)

Campaign for Membership enrollment: I congratulate all the Circle leadership for their earnest campaign for enrollment of the members and efforts to strengthen the AIPAEA. Very encouraging reports received from Kapurthala and Lucknow. Now, only a couple of days are left for submission of the Authorization Letters to the DA (P)’s concerned. Ensure to take special interest in this regard and inform developments to the CHQ.

Stepping up Case: The clarifications issued by the Directorate on 09-04-2014 have to be complied by all the PAOs without any further doubts. Clarifications are very clear.  The contempt case is coming up for hearing on 06-05-2014. Implementation process is going on in Hyderabad, Bangalore, Trivandrum, and Nagpur. Reports are being received from other units that the DA(P)’s concerned are not taking proper steps to start the process of payment in this regard. Election schedule may be one of the reasons for this. However, Circle Secretaries should take up the matter with the Authorities and see that the payment is made by 06-05-2014.
Immediately inform the CHQ by SMS the following information so as to enable to feed our Advocate:
1.    Whether the process of stepping up of pay started and beneficiaries identified as per the revised clarifications issued by the PA Wing?
2.    Whether Payments made?
3.    To how many officials payments are made?

Senior Accountants who entered the Department as Gr.D /Sorter: The clarification issued by the PA wing is not in tune with the spirit of the judgment. The matter has already been taken up and CHQ will ensure that these comrades will get the benefit of stepping up judgment. CHQ has prepared the draft representation to be submitted by the individuals and sent to the units by email for necessary action. I am publishing such representation separately in our Blog. It should be ensured that all affected comrades submit the representations. Some vested interests are spreading rumors against AIPAEA in this regard. AIPAEA will never compromise on the interests of the employees. We have taken all such steps to protect the interest of such comrades.

Cadre Restructuring: The file  was received back from DOP&T with some queries. PA Wing is answering those doubts and will send back the file to the DOP&T.

SA JA promotion case: The case is coming up for hearing on 29-04-2014. Let’s hope for positive results.

7th CPC issues: The questioner issued by the 7th CPC has been published in the website of the Confederation. Please go through and give suggestions and your opinions. CHQ will submit its viewpoints in due course.

NFPE Federal Executive meeting: NFPE is holding Federal Executive meeting on 01-06-2014 at New Delhi to review and to take future course of action. G.S. will attend the said meeting.

Confederation Executive meeting: Confederation is holding its Executive meeting on 30-05-14 to discuss the 7th CPC issues and to take further course of action. G.S. will be at Delhi to attend the meeting.

With Greetings,


Saturday, April 26, 2014



Dear Comrades,
The voice, which was strangulated and silenced long long ago in the distant city of Chicago, is now echoing in the hearts and throats of millions of workers and common people across the continents, manifesting the burning desire to fight for the rights. The struggle for ‘working hours’, which shook the world, transcended and transformed into a symbol of struggle for establishment of egalitarian society and fighting spirit of working class across the nations. May Day beckons us to get inspired and imbibe that spirit of struggle and sacrifice!
The natural resources, the collective property of mankind, are being swallowed by the capitalists with the aid and abetment of Ruling Class in the guise of Globalization and Economic development. They have engulfed the permanent jobs and are extracting the work from the manual labour in the name of Contractorisation and casualization at dead cheap rates. The sweat of farmers and workers has no value in the eyes of these exploiters. The Gobble’s campaign that there is no substitute for Capitalism has had its great ill effect on the workers and employees!  Parallel campaign that the Socialism has failed and that it is not visible even in the distant vicinity is being thrust into the psyche of the general public.
We have to recapitulate the famous verses of Sri Sri, the great peoples’ poet of this century, which are to be engraved in ebony permanently.  “The Kingdoms built on earth, the artificial Statutes enacted by the Monarchs and by the egoistic, have crumbled like a palace of playing cards, with the tsunami of forces of working class, far and near” This reminds every one that any system which is inimical and exploitative is bound to crash and collapse.
The motive and end of Capital is to earn profit. The capitalism will never hesitate to denude the Mother Earth and green nature for the sake of profit. The un-quenching greed of capitalists for profit has become hazardous to the environment resulting in the pollution of air and water bodies. The global –warming is causing disorders in environment and, in effect, posing danger to the very existence of mankind. The changes in the environment due to pollution are pushing the agriculture and the farmers into catastrophe.
The accumulation of wealth in a few hands, the growth of corporate sector and the fall in the purchasing capacity of the workers and employees are the indication of the growing unrest and degradation of the society. Education and medical facilities are unreachable to the common man. A place to dwell in is still a distant dream to so many employees and workers.
                At this juncture, the Central Government employees should discharge their duty with full awareness and understanding. To regain the lost pension right, to retain the health facilities, to ensure the periodical wage revision for every five years, to get the DA merger, to achieve status to the Grameen Dak Sevaks, etc., the Central Government employees have no other alternative but to tread the path of struggle in the coming days on the face of adversarial political and economic policies.
Oppose the neo-liberal economic policies, which intend to privatize every Sector and mortgage the future of employees and common people to the Capitalists. As enlightened sections of the society we have to pin down and expose the deceit perpetrated on the people and Working Class in the name of Globalization and Development.  With all the unity, awareness and conscientiousness, we the Central Government employees, should resist and stop these anti-employee and anti-people policies. Let’s take pledge on this May Day to strive hard for Better life and brighter tomorrow for all and to demand our rightful share as a stakeholder in the process of development, defeating the nefarious designs of the protagonists of neo-liberal economic policies.
                With Revolutionary Greetings!
General Secretary

Thursday, April 24, 2014


(M) G.S. 09912348500                                                                        (M): Office: 9868451466

   All India Postal Accounts Employees Association

Central Headquarter
(Affiliated to National Federation of Postal Employees)
13-B, New Mahavir Nagar, DAO Flat, New Delhi – 110018
(Camp at: O/o D.A. (P), Hyderabad-500001)

AIPAEA/CHQ/                                                                                                       Dated: 25-04-2014


Ms.Annie Moraes,
Member Finance,
Department of Tele Communications,
Sanchar Bhavan,
New Delhi-110 001

Sub:- Autocratic functioning of GM(Finance) Postal Accounts,
            Chennai – En masse issue of Charge sheets to the Staff –
            Immediate intervention – Request – Reg.

Respected Madam,

I would like to invite your kind attention to the plight of the Chennai PAO Staff under the undemocratic and autocratic functioning of the GM (Finance, Postal Accounts). It is shocking to know that about 100 employees working in PA sections have been served with charge sheets under Rule 16 of CCS (CCA) Rules. This en masse punitive action on the dictate of the GM (Finance) violates all canons of administrative prudence and justice. The employees are on agitation over this issue. The Saving Gram signed by AIPAEA and BPAOEA, Chennai and sent to you is enclosed for your ready reference.

The Staff working in the PA sections have been asked after completing the Classified Abstract in PA sections to go and feed the Circle Abstract in Book section in addition to the compilation work in PA sections. This diktat was issued in the month of February 2014 i.e. fag end of the closure of the Financial Year. This changeover was never discussed with the Staff Side. No thought was given to the adequacy of the infrastructure; never bothered to impart adequate training to the Staff in COMPACT; no efforts were made to motivate the Staff and of course, it is the least priority for the GM (Finance).

The Staff Side pleaded with her not to insist to change the working system at the fag end of the Financial Year and they are ready to cooperate with her to adopt to the new work pattern in the new Financial Year and they requested her to provide sufficient systems and training so that the change over can be brought smoothly. But, all the pleadings went in vain.

The pen chant of the GM (Finance) Chennai to run the roughshod is well known. The specific clarifications issued by the PA Wing on the forwarding of applications were treated with all the disrespect and not followed leading to the ruination of the careers of the employees who wish to appear for the competitive examinations.

In another latest incident, the GM (Finance) ordered recovery of TA/DA of the entire IA party as; the report of the IA party is not to the liking of the GM (Finance). This is the first time in the annals of the IA parties to face such ignominy in the hands of the Head of the Office. The responsibility as the Head of the Office to strengthen the IA parties by providing full pledged teams, by imparting periodical training and by providing the latest Rulings on the subject are never felt. But, to punish and humiliate is the instantaneous reaction from the GM (Finance).

After lifting the ban on recruitment in the year 2009, the Chennai PAO has not filled up the vacancies. The office of Staff Selection Commission is situated in Chennai itself. Yet, no intensive efforts are there to get the new recruits. On the other hand, strangely the LDC dossiers received from SSC were returned back on flimsy grounds.

Impulsive decisions of the GM (Finance) made the Administration casualty. The present act of issuing charge sheets en masse, itself proves the administrative failure of the GM (Finance), Chennai PAO. Lack of democratic content in the decision making will harm the interests of the Organization, especially at this point of time when the Department is at the threshold of technological changes.

Hence, I am to request your immediate intervention to undo the injustice caused to the employees and to bring back the congenial atmosphere by restoring the employer and employee relationship.

With Regards,

Yours faithfully,
General Secretary