(M) G.S. 09912348500 (M):
Office: 9868451466
All India Postal Accounts Employees
Central Headquarter
(Affiliated to National Federation of Postal Employees)
13-B, New Mahavir Nagar, DAO Flat, New Delhi – 110018
(Camp at: O/o D.A. (P), Hyderabad-500001)
AIPAEA/CHQ/14 Dated: 22-05-2014
Rajnish Kumar,
Dy. Director
General (PAF),
Dak Bhawan,
Delhi-110 001
Sub:- Staff Agitation at Kolkata PAO – Unilateral
actions of GM (Finance) –
Kolkata Resolution dated 19-06-2014.
I would like to bring to your kind notice the agitated
feelings of the Kolkata PAO Staff against the unilateral actions of GM
(Finance), Kolkata.
At the instance of the GM (Finance), Kolkata the
existing 14 PA sections have been reduced to 8 PA sections in addition to
merging of PA (Misc) section. This drastic action of reducing the PA sections,
which were formed on the basis of sound work statistics, is going to have far
reaching effect on the Staff strength as well as imposing additional work
burden. No dialogue with the Staff Side. No attempt to inform the rationale of
the action. No respect for the opinions of the recognized Association.
It has also brought to my notice that GM (Finance),
Kolkata has not following the mandatory requirement of holding periodical
meetings with the Circle Association. It is also learnt that the Kolkata PAO
has called for volunteers among the PAO staff to go on deputation to Post
Offices. One side reducing the Sections and the other side calling for
deputations to work at Post Offices is perplexing.
Thus, the unilateral actions of GM (Finance), Kolkata
has created a feeling that pruning of PAOs started even before the introduction
of CSI project. Employees are agitated over the unilateral and undemocratic
actions. It seems that ignoring the Staff Side has been turned into a valid HR
practice at Kolkata PAO.
The copy of the Resolution passed by AIPAEA branch of
W.B. Circle is enclosed herewith for your ready reference and perusal. I urge
your good-self to immediately cause action to instruct the concerned to stop
the reduction of sections and hold dialogue with the Staff Side on all the
contentious issues.
With Regards,
Yours faithfully,
General Secretary
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