(M) G.S. 09912348500 (M): Office: 9868451466
All India Postal Accounts Employees
Central Headquarter
(Affiliated to National Federation of Postal Employees)
13-B, New Mahavir Nagar, DAO Flat, New Delhi – 110018
AIPAEA/CHQ/14 Dated: 27-11-2014
Sri. Rajnish
of Posts,
New Delhi.
Sub:- Non-implementation of judgment of Hon’ble
Central Administrative
Tribunal, Principal Bench in O.A. No. 2124/2011 upheld by Hon’ble
High Court, Delhi by PAOs – Regarding.
Tribunal, Principal Bench in O.A. No. 2124/2011 upheld by Hon’ble
High Court, Delhi by PAOs – Regarding.
I am hereunder submitting the details of the cases
pending implementation of the judgment of the Hon’ble CAT, Principal Bench, New
Delhi in the O.A. No. 2124/2011.
Out of 20 Postal Accounts Circles 16 Postal Accounts
Offices are having the Senior Accountants eligible for stepping up of their pay
as enunciated by the Hon’ble Tribunal.
The PAOs Ambala, Ahmedabad, are having only three
cases each and were settled. The PAO Sundernagar is having the cases of four Senior
Accountants, who joined the Department as Gr.D/Sorter.
Excluding the above stated three small Circles, in the
remaining 13 Postal Accounts Offices only 3 PAOs i.e. Chennai, Jaipur and
Trivandrum have made payment to all eligible officials (excluding the Gr. D /Sorter
entry grade Senior Accountants). In all other PAOs i.e. 9 PAOs (Information
from Delhi unit awaited) the Judgment has not been implemented in respect of
many eligible officials. Only partial implementation has taken place.
In spite of the clear-cut clarifications issued by the
PA Wing the PAOs are reluctant to make payment on one pretext or the other. The
PA Wing vide its Lr. no. 33(3)/10/PA-Admn.I/104-129 dated 9-4-14 reiterated its
earlier clarification (Point 1) that the pay of all Sr. Acctts should be
stepped up who had entered the Department as LDCs and subsequently promoted as
JA/SA should be considered on par with Sr. Acctts who are junior to the former
in the SA cadre. This basic clarification has not been followed by the PAOs.
Instead they are comparing the pay in the lower cadre i.e. JA cadre ignoring
the position in the S.A. cadre. This Association has been requesting to step up
the pay of the senior most S.A. with that of the junior in the SA Cadre on
account of junior S.A. drawing more pay due to promotion under ACP/MACP.
Another reason for non-compliance is the subjective interpretation of “applicant”
by the PAOs like Lucknow, Bhopal.
I am herewith furnishing the annexures containing the
list of not settled cases submitted to CHQ by the Circle Associations of
AIPAEA for your perusal.
I request you to kindly cause necessary favourable
action in this regard.
With Regards,
General Secretary
Annexure – 1 Lucknow
Annexure – 2 Bhopal
Annexure - 3
Annexure – 4 Bengaluru
Annexure - 5
Annexure - 6
Annexure - 7
Annexure - 8
Annexure - 9
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